TVM models is an agency that stands for IMPROVEMENT. Improvement can be applied to models, that are highly trained, or for companies that want to take the next step in their marketing.
At TVM models you will find real models. In all sizes, colours and with or without scars and tattoos. Whatever the ideal image is, we have a model to represent your brand!
Our models are trained to be professional models who know what they’re doing. They learn posing, acting, video commercials, catwalk, hair & make-up. In short all a model needs to know. TVM has a limited number of models to ensure that every models gets the personal attention they need to grow.
TVM models has model aged 14 and older that are trained to be all-round models. Weather it’s photo or video shoots, acting, hostesses or presenting. Our models are employable in every branch possible. In the new age the picture of perfection is not as it was. The models are tall, short, round, slim, tattooed, scared and more. This means that the perfect model for your brand is diverse too. Grow with the time!
TVM find it important to be a team player. TVM has a limited number of models, this means all the models are the best of their kind and get the personal attention they deserve. For a change of pace we do enjoyable things together, like shoot events, portfolio days or go for drinks together. #relaxation

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